Macro Asset Perspective

MAP introduction...

MAP chart

Our proprietary Macro Asset Perspective process is for the client who wants to accomplish a few financial objectives. MAP provides you a balanced, low-risk/high-reward approach to your investment and retirement income planning; encompassing proven principles of asset allocation relative to risk tolerance and tax treatments. At the foundation of our process is the protection of your financial and human capital, accumulation of wealth, and concrete strategies for long-term tax reduction.

Our three step process provides you a "big picture" simple view of your investment and tax strategies. We take fundamental economic principles and package them into a model that is designed to give you a visual picture of where your assets should be located and, more importantly, why; helping you become a more successful investor.

Whether you are building wealth or your wealth is providing you retirement income, we are confident you would profit from our economic capital modeling. Ultimately, our model constructs strategies to enhance and maximize net spendable retirement income you cannot outlive, regardless of what happens with tax rates in the future.

Step one: Discovery…
We introduce you to our MAP process, and discuss and gather all relevant information to uncover your objectives and current financial state.

Step two: Analysis and Implementation…
We present you with your personalized MAP, discuss and review together the analysis of your data, educate you on your strategies, and help you take action to implement your solutions.

Step three: Summary and Monitor…
We provide you with your updated financial documents, answer any additional questions you may have, and discuss expectations moving forward.